TF2IsPwn Projects

creating services for competitive TF2

  • 16 members

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Register Yourself + Get Private Channel
 / month
Get your username registered and reserved & get a private, password-protected channel to use with your buddies.

NOTE: We will not register you if a high level competitive player has the same or a similar username to you. If you aren't sure, ask an admin before becoming a Patron.
  • General Support
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Large Private Channel (50 Slot)
 / month
Register your name in the main server AND get the perk of having a large-scale channel to run pugs/scrims/etc. out of.

NOTE: We will not register you if a high level competitive player has the same or a similar username to you. If you aren't sure, ask an admin before becoming a Patron.
  • General Support
Newbie Lover
 / month
You are making a difference. Your donations allow us to break even and occasionally reward our amazing coaches w/ gift cards/ other perks. Prior perks included.

If you'd like a private port on the mumble (or a new region mumble), let me know.

NOTE: We will not register you if a high level competitive player has the same or a similar username to you. If you aren't sure, ask an admin before becoming a Patron.
NOTE: "Permanent" in this case is referring to the life of the server as a whole. Your benefits will end should the server ever be taken down for any reason.
  • General Support
TF2IsPwn Projects

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